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Affordable Dog Training Classes at Woods Humane Society

Woods Humane Society is proud to offer San Luis Obispo County dog owners affordable dog training classes, dog obedience classes, puppy training classes and more at our dedicated dog training facility, Woods University, located at our Woods San Luis Obispo campus. With a highly-qualified, certified, and experienced team of professional dog trainers, we offer dog owners fun, humane and effective methods to teach your dog new skills, build your bond with your dog, and find a richer, more fulfilling relationship with your four-legged friend.   

Positive Reinforcement Training Classes for Dogs

At Woods University, we are committed to using a Positive Reinforcement method of dog training in our training classes.  Positive Reinforcement is a reward-based, humane method of training proven to be a highly effective way for dogs to learn free from stress or fear.  We train dogs for success, so training is fast, fun, and fair!

Sign up for news on upcoming dog training classes and dog training tips, here.

What to Know about Training in a Group Setting

Your dog will likely be very excited in a room with several other leashed dogs, which is understandable. However if your dog presents with a high degree of reactivity towards the other dogs or clients in the room (excessive barking, lunging, etc.) the instructor may excuse you from the class and recommend an alternative training program at Woods. 

If you have questions or concerns about how your dog may fit into our group classes, please feel free to contact our training department at: (805) 543-9316 x34.

Puppy Social Hour
C.H.A.R.M. School
Feisty Fido
Individual Training Sessions

General Information

  • We limit participants in each dog training class to provide more individualized attention for you and your dog.
  • All dogs enrolled in our dog training classes must be current on vaccines: Rabies, Bordatella and DHPP. Puppies in the puppy classes must have 2 DHPP vaccines at least 2 weeks apart and one Bordetella at least 3 days before class starts. In order to participate, proof of vaccinations must be provided at the first class.
  • You may bring dog training supplies to class or visit Woods Humane Society’s retail center Woods Goods. We have special dog training treats, harnesses and collars for sale to give you optimal control while providing humane comfort to your dog.
  • To sign up to receive email updates about new dog training and dog obedience classes and dog training tips, click here. 


Woods Humane Society's Dedicated Dog Training Facility
875 Oklahoma Avenue
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405

Park at the east end of the parking lot and follow the signs to the rear of the building.

Additional questions? Trouble registering online?

Please give us a call at (805) 543-9316 x 34.


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